Thursday, May 6, 2010
Saturday, May 1
I'm missing the day we went to Grand Canyon. It's on Trevor's camera. The kids loved it. It made me nervous. It was also 56 degrees. After Flagstaff we traveled from there to Durango. It should have taken us 6 hours. We did it in a new land speed record of 13 1/2 hours. Of course, there was 1 time change and we stopped at a couple places along the way.
Here are the happy travelers. My kids really overall are amazing travelers. We just keep throwing food at them every once in a while.
This is Crater National Monument. Huge crater. That square in the middle is I think the size of a football field. You can have 20 football games at one time in the bottom.
This is a Sand Mountain (???) from the Petrified Forest. It interested me much more than the petrified wood. It really literally is made out of sand. I got out to touch (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it dad). I'm not sure I was supposed too. But you could just pick it up and dig right into the side with your hand I have no clue what is keeping these sand hills up but good intentions...
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