Thursday, May 21, 2009
Our butterflies hatched! Homeschooling is so funny. Sometimes I can plan out my day and try to accomplish all this school and it falls flat and the kids don't want to learn and I'm yelling and nothing is happening that is good. Other times it just flows. Today was such a great day- It was the Dentist Day. I love Dentist Day. Are you wondering why I capitalize Dentist Day?. Because I take all my kids. They are all signed up for teeth cleaning and I get to sit in the office and drink my latte and ready a trashy People magazine for 2 hours. It's awesome. I so look forward to Dentist Day- 2ce a year. (Ok-upon reading this I'm thinking that's pretty pathetic that I get so excited over Dentist Day) When we got done I decided that it was time to clean the house like someone was coming to buy it. That is the thing I miss from having my house on the market. It was really clean-every day. So I decided we would have Thursdays be our really big cleaning day.
However, when we got home we discovered that our butterflies started to hatch. This is where homeschooling just started flowing. I found my Handbook of Nature Study book and we started reading about butterflies. Then we did a writing exersize where we compared butterflies and moths. And then they wrote poems about the butterflies and typed them on the computer. I thought I would post them for you. Does this great day on homeschooling make up for the last 3 months of not schooling but showing our house? It is so rewarding to have really fun homeschooling days now and then-keeps me going for those not so fun days....
Butterfly butterfly
Fly before the hunter
Come and go
To your home
And while you are going home
Let a bird eat you
Butterfly, Butterfly
Fly away to come another day
And make more babies
Butterfly, butterfly, glide thru the air,
And give your share,
Butterfly walk thru the air.
Spread your wings with a tiddle-de-do.
Butterfly flies
Butterfly sings
Butterfly walks
It has beautiful wings
A butterfly flies in the yellow sun.
A butterfly spreads its beautiful wings.
A butterfly flies in the day.
A butterfly sings all the way.
I see a yellow butterfly upon a bright green leaf.
She sits and lays a clear white egg upon the leaf so green.
I come back yet another day and see some baby larvae,
Caterpillars, so small and green.
For a couple weeks I watch them, day by day by day.
Till one day I see them no more, just tiny small chrysalises.
Two more weeks I wait, and watch and watch and watch.
And finally, that wonderful day, out emerge the butterflies!
However, when we got home we discovered that our butterflies started to hatch. This is where homeschooling just started flowing. I found my Handbook of Nature Study book and we started reading about butterflies. Then we did a writing exersize where we compared butterflies and moths. And then they wrote poems about the butterflies and typed them on the computer. I thought I would post them for you. Does this great day on homeschooling make up for the last 3 months of not schooling but showing our house? It is so rewarding to have really fun homeschooling days now and then-keeps me going for those not so fun days....
Butterfly butterfly
Fly before the hunter
Come and go
To your home
And while you are going home
Let a bird eat you
Butterfly, Butterfly
Fly away to come another day
And make more babies
Butterfly, butterfly, glide thru the air,
And give your share,
Butterfly walk thru the air.
Spread your wings with a tiddle-de-do.
Butterfly flies
Butterfly sings
Butterfly walks
It has beautiful wings
A butterfly flies in the yellow sun.
A butterfly spreads its beautiful wings.
A butterfly flies in the day.
A butterfly sings all the way.
I see a yellow butterfly upon a bright green leaf.
She sits and lays a clear white egg upon the leaf so green.
I come back yet another day and see some baby larvae,
Caterpillars, so small and green.
For a couple weeks I watch them, day by day by day.
Till one day I see them no more, just tiny small chrysalises.
Two more weeks I wait, and watch and watch and watch.
And finally, that wonderful day, out emerge the butterflies!
Labels: Charlotte Mason, random happenings
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Computer Illiterate

Help! This is the picture that I thought would go great up in the heading of by the Macduff Path. I am so computer illiterate. Does anyone know how to do that. Anyhow. Enjoy the stupid @##$%^$ picture now because I can't get it to where it should be.
My Charlotte Mason Moment
Charlotte Mason is a homeschool method based from a woman in the 1800's named...Charlotte Mason (how's that for a deep-thought provoking sentence). Anyhow her method in brief is great novels, short, focused lessons, art, music, handiwork, narration, copywork, and nature study. Love the nature study part- hardly ever get to it. Yesterday was a beautiful day so I decided to read to the kids outside under my favorite tree which blooms for about 1 week a year. I decided since I was posting pictures of the tree I would find out what kind it is. After 20 minutes tracking it down on the computer here it is.
Golden-chain tree is a stunning, small tree noted for its long, pendulous clusters of flowers. A member of the pea family, Laburnum x Watereri is a hybrid cross between the common and Scotch laburnum.
Do I have to tell the kids what I learned for it to be counted as schooling? I've discovered one of the great things about teaching homeschooling is how much I'm learning.
And aren't you in awe of my 3 posts in 2 days? And the figuring out the pictures? My next project might be adding links.
Labels: Charlotte Mason
Out of the mouths of babes
So yesterday for our bible study I was doing a devotion that was talking about how Jesus is preparing mansions for us from John 14:2
In my father's house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and
receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.The devotion asked us to journal about what we thought are mansions are going to be like. When we journal, the four big kids write on their own and I ask the little girls and write it down for them. I try to also journal during this time also just a model. So I'm really getting into describing my house in heaven. I'm going on about a window looking over a sunny meadow and these white curtains blowing in the breeze. And a big open kitchen with a big farm table with lots of people around it. As I'm going on about these white curtains ( Ok. I do admit this is beginning to sound like a wish list of what I would like my earthly home to be like) Abby (who is 5) comes up to me so I can write her discription down.
What my house in heaven will look like.
It has God and Jesus and Treasure.
Satan tries to get the treasure.
God's treasure is Love.
My house is beautiful because it has God's Love.
It has God and Jesus and Treasure.
Satan tries to get the treasure.
God's treasure is Love.
My house is beautiful because it has God's Love.
I asked her if she wanted to write anymore. And she said "Nope- That's all I need."
I think she is pretty right on. I'll take God's love anyday over my white curtains blowing in a breeze.
I think she is pretty right on. I'll take God's love anyday over my white curtains blowing in a breeze.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
We are back in business!
Ok. I'm trying this again. 2 months later. After showing the house 47 times and then passing the girls out for the week we are all back at home. I'm slowly cluttering up the house again and making it more usable. So this weekend I moved the computer back upstairs and can finally get to it. I just never did use it down in the dungeon. The only time I went down there was for laundry. I also am like 80 emails behind on the computer. So hopefully, I will get to this more up here. My next goal is to figure out how to add a picture on here.
Since, we've been mostly...umm...relaxed in our schooling the last few months (but we make some mighty fine janitors and merry maids) I'm hitting school a little more seriously. We are starting a insect/bird thematic science unit over the summer. It should be pretty fun. I'll definately try to make the time to do this weekly (gasp! Am I being an overacheiver here by saying that? Must be the coffee) now that it's more convenient to get to. Well since I made this big deal about doing school maybe I should get off the computer and go collect the kids for it. Ooh. I figured out how to download pictures. Of course, it took more time than if I had taken the picture, printed it and mailed it to each of you but the accomplishment! It might seem small to you but to a homeschooling mother of 7 you got to find it where you can.
Labels: random happenings
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